EB News & Blog

5 Reasons Why Choosing the Right Font for Your Website Matters

Reading Time: < 1 minute
When it comes to web design, every element matters. From color schemes to layout, each choice plays a role in shaping the user experience. One often underestimated element that holds significant power is typography. The fonts you select can impact how visitors perceive your website, interact with its content, and ultimately, whether they stay or leave.

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The Importance of Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Web Design

Reading Time: 2 minutes
From smartphones to tablets, and devices of all other shapes and sizes in between, it’s clear that these devices have become an integral part of all of our lives. As a result, having a responsive and mobile-friendly website has changed from being a nice-to-have feature to a necessity. When designing a website for your business, it is important that you can access it seamlessly across all types of devices. Here are some additional benefits of having a responsive, mobile-friendly site:

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We Will Never Forget

Reading Time: < 1 minute
“Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.”

— Former President Barack Obama

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Happy Labor Day From Electric Bricks

Reading Time: < 1 minute
From the entire crew at Electric Bricks,

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Please note that our office will be closed Monday, September 4th.

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5 Tips for Planning a Social Media Content Calendar

Reading Time: < 1 minute
In today’s digitally forward world, it’s crucial for any business to have a curated, up-to-date social media presence that shows customers exactly who you are. A well-organized social media calendar can be your biggest tool and make all the difference in maintaining consistency, engaging your audience, and driving results. Here are our top tips for creating an effective social media calendar that keeps your content strategy on track.

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Custom Built Ecommerce Website vs Shopify Site

Reading Time: < 1 minute
You’ve decided to open your own online shop, but now what? Choosing the right platform to establish your online presence and host your shop is a critical decision. While Shopify has gained popularity as a user-friendly and convenient solution, there’s a compelling case to be made for the power and versatility of a custom-built e-commerce website. So, which is better?

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SEO for Long Term & PPC for Immediate Results: Why Using Them Together is Most Effective

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Two powerful digital marketing strategies often stand out to most when looking into ways to maximize efforts: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. Both approaches can be significantly impactful when it comes to your online visibility and driving valuable traffic to your website. While both are effective on their own, the real power happens when you combine both strategies and use SEO and PPC together.

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Making Your New Website More Affordable

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Inflation… Recession… The market is up… The market is down… How is a small business owner supposed to budget for anything when the economy is so unpredictable? But we can’t really stop moving, can we? As the owner of a small business, I speak first-hand when I say that none of us should be sitting still right now. Now is not the time to be pulling back or slowing your marketing efforts. Quite the opposite – we should all be ramping them up. If you want to grab any piece of business that’s out there, the only way to do that is to get in front of new customers. And nowadays, the only logical way to do that is on the internet.

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Who We Do Business With, the Supreme Court, Equal Justice Under Law… and “Beer?”

Reading Time: 5 minutes
A recent story in the news caught my attention for three reasons: the subject had to do with website design; the timing of what transpired; and the horrible precedent that has been set.

Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Colorado web designer (I will not identify this person by name as they do not deserve, and I refuse to contribute to, the SEO boost they might get from it), looking to get into wedding website design, could legally refuse to work for someone based on their sexual orientation and could post such discriminatory language on their own business’s website. Colorado is one of roughly half the states that has a public-accommodations law meant to prevent businesses that are open to the public from discriminating against LGBTQ+ and other protected groups or publically announcing their intent to discriminate. This designer, who opposes same-sex marriage citing religious beliefs, felt they should not be forced to convey a message that they oppose for a client using their “artistic expression”. On the surface, this sounds like it might be a reasonable argument. It’s the “I don’t believe in what you believe, so I won’t help spread your message” defense. And while I do think there is a place for this defense, this was very much not that place.

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Happy July 4th From Electric Bricks

Reading Time: < 1 minute
From all of us at Electric Bricks,

Happy Independence Day!

Please note that our office will be closed Tuesday, July 4th.

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