Articles by Russ Silberman

Adapting to the “New Normal” with Digital Marketing

Reading Time: 2 minutes
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on all of us. The ways in which we live our lives have taken a dramatic shift, and many of these changes may be continuing far into the future. So how can businesses learn from these uncertain times to adapt for maximized success in the years to come?

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The Importance of ADA Website Compliance

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 to prohibit discrimination against people with mental and/or physical disabilities.

The ADA was initially signed into law to address and enforce three main issues nationwide:

  • Equal employment opportunity standards
  • Equal access to state and local government services (i.e. public transportation and public housing)
  • Equal access to public accommodations and commercial facilities (i.e. grocery stores, hotels, etc.)

The Standards for Accessible Design were added to the ADA in 2010, and over the past decade the regulations laid out within this addendum have been legally interpreted to encompass website accessibility.

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Email Marketing 101

Reading Time: 3 minutes
In 2019 there were 3.9 billion email users throughout the globe, and that number is expected to grow to 4.3 billion in 2023. With half of the international population expected to have an email account in less than five years, email marketing is an integral aspect to any digital marketing plan.

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Welcome to the Electric Bricks Office

Reading Time: 2 minutes
We moved into our new office, located at 180 East Main Street, Suite 105A in Patchogue, back in June of 2019. That was less than a year ago, and it’s amazing to look back and see everything we’ve accomplished since we first walked through the front door.

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Facebook Marketing 101

Reading Time: 3 minutes
If you’ve paid any attention to the news over the past few years, you’re probably aware that Facebook has faced its share of potential PR nightmares. Politics and privacy concerns aside, the most recent Pew Research Center study shows that 69% of Americans are still using Facebook. This puts Facebook slightly behind YouTube as the second most used social media platform in the US. Instagram is showing a healthy growth trend in its third-place spot; however, Facebook owns Instagram, and their advertising platforms are somewhat intertwined.
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