EB News & Blog

Do colors matter on my website?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
When we click into a website, we are often drawn in by certain aspects, whether it be visual design, imagery, or text style. Many of us many not even realize it, but we are even attracted by the certain colors depicted on particular websites. Certain colors can grab our attention, leading us to browse a site longer than we intended. 

When constructing your website, it is important to take color into consideration, as it can increase traffic to your site tremendously. 

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Happy Father’s Day From Electric Bricks

Reading Time: < 1 minute
From the whole crew at Electric Bricks,

Happy Father’s Day!

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Tips for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Reading Time: 2 minutes
There are multiple important factors to take into consideration when launching an email campaign for your brand. The goal of an email campaign is to promote specific products, services, and events that build your brand’s message. 

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Why An Organized Site Navigation is Important

Reading Time: 2 minutes
When most of us click on a business website, we search for specific answers we have questions about. Finding these answers quickly with just a few strokes of the keyboard on the site saves us from hassle, and prompts us to visit the site more often. 

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Happy Memorial Day From Electric Bricks!

Reading Time: < 1 minute
From the whole crew at Electric Bricks,

Happy Memorial Day!

Please note that our office will be closed Monday, May 27th.

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Happy Mother’s Day From Electric Bricks

Reading Time: < 1 minute
From the whole crew at Electric Bricks,

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Email Marketing – Maximizing Engagement

Reading Time: 2 minutes
What’s the secret to getting customers to look forward to opening marketing emails from you, especially when everyone’s inboxes seem to be overflowing on a daily basis? This crucial avenue keeps customers actively engaged with your brand and in turn optimizes your revenue stream. Often small business owners put this type of activity on the back burner and promise themselves they will eventually find time to do it, but instead, now may be time to consider hiring the experts at Electric Bricks to support this crucial marketing activity.

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Does the Font on My Website Matter?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
One of the most overlooked features on any website is the font size and style. If your website is too difficult for the average person to comfortably view, you could be losing customers before they even learn what makes your company or product unique. This crucial design decision should not be made casually, but instead with direction from a seasoned design professional.

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Custom Designed Site VS. Squarespace

Reading Time: 2 minutes
It can often be overwhelming when first setting out to design a website for your business, especially when budget is a consideration. Oftentimes small business owners think that going with a predesigned template like those offered on Squarespace may be the way to go and save them money. In actuality, going that route may severely limit how well you can highlight what your brand has to offer customers and what makes it stand out.

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What Makes a Good Brand Tagline

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the first things to be considered when designing a new website for your business is the development, appearance and placement of your company tagline. Many small business owners underestimate how crucial that is in the overall success of their business and how pivotal it is to gaining long term recognition for their organization.

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