Tips To Write An About Page

Reading Time: 2 minutes

While building your business website, outlining an “About Us” page can sometimes be one of the hardest parts to construct. It can be difficult to determine the right words to describe your brand accurately yet creatively. 

Luckily, there are many tips and tricks to help you lay the groundwork when it comes to building an About page that will give viewers a concise and innovative depiction of what your brand is truly all about.  

Tips to Write An About Page 

When brainstorming what to include on your About page, it is important to consider: 

An Engaging Introduction: This sets the tone for your website and gives viewers a glimpse into the heart of your company. Make sure that you have an engaging opening that pulls readers in, such as a catchy headline or a powerful opening statement. 

It is also essential to outline your brand’s mission statement. What drives your business and what do you as a company aim to achieve? 

Tell Your Story: Connect with readers on a personal level. Many of us like to feel as if we are having a one-on-one conversation with team members of a company. Communicate with readers the origins of how your company got started and who was involved in the process. Include personal and relevant details such as what inspired you to launch your particular brand and key milestones that shaped the journey. 

about page website

Share Your Achievements as a Brand: Highlight any significant awards, recognitions, and achievements your brand has completed. This instills a sense of trust and credibility for any potential clients who are reading your About page. 

It also helps to include positive feedback stories and reviews that demonstrate your brand’s dedication. 

Introduce Your Team Members: What a business be without all of the dedicated individuals who work behind the scenes to make it all happen? Make sure to showcase all of the team members who pour all of their efforts into building your business. 

It is also beneficial to include photos and personal anecdotes of team members to create a connection with your viewers. 

Contact us today for more tips regarding your About page and guidance through the process.

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