Do colors matter on my website?

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When we click into a website, we are often drawn in by certain aspects, whether it be visual design, imagery, or text style. Many of us many not even realize it, but we are even attracted by the certain colors depicted on particular websites. Certain colors can grab our attention, leading us to browse a site longer than we intended. 

When constructing your website, it is important to take color into consideration, as it can increase traffic to your site tremendously. 

Using Colors on Your Website 

Generally when we click into a website, the most standard text-color is black on a white background. While black and white may not be the most vibrant colors, black text on a white background has the easiest readability for most people. 

However, this does not mean that your site should be limited to strictly black and white colors. Incorporating eye-catching colors including pink, blue, red, orange and yellow is essential for a successful site. 

If your website contains a call to action (CTA), it is best to use brightly colored button so that it stands out to readers, and they are more likely to click into it. On most websites, the CTA button is some shade of orange. 

Your color choice should also fit the theme of your website. Consider your brand’s personality. Are you playful and laid-back? Bright colors such as pink, light blue, and light green reflect that. 

Are you more professional? Standard colors such as black, dark blue and white will demonstrate that. 

For example, if you are a wedding planning company, your site and logo should feature the typical colors that fit in with the wedding theme, including white, light pink, green and black. 

website colors

Complementary Colors 

Hyperlinks and buttons on your site should be complementary to your site’s background to ensure that they grab your reader’s attention if you want them to click into them.

Some examples of complementary colors include yellow and purple, blue and orange and red and green. For instance, a website with a predominantly blue color scheme might use orange for hyperlinks and buttons to make them stand out.

By taking color into consideration, you can determine a scheme that enhances your website’s aesthesis, grabs your readers’ attention, and accurately conveys your brand’s message. 

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