Staying Involved in Local Business

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We are proud to announce that Electric Bricks owner, Keith Paul, was recently sworn in as a Director for the Chamber of Commerce of the Moriches. As a long-time resident of Center Moriches, Keith is very happy to have this opportunity to contribute to the betterment of local business and to give back to the Moriches community.

Helping Businesses & Residents Alike

Keith is an advocate for getting involved with Chambers of Commerce (Electric Bricks currently belongs to four) as it’s an excellent way to get to know the local business community and to work together not only to help businesses grow but as a means of giving back to the communities that support them.

The Moriches Chamber, which sponsors such wonderful events as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Center Moriches, a Spring and Fall Fair, the Veterans Day Parade in East Moriches, and a March of the Goblins at Halloween, held their annual holiday dinner and installation on December 12th at La Volpe Restaurant in Center Moriches.

Moriches Chamber 2019 Board of Directors Installation
Moriches Chamber 2019 Board of Directors Installation - Miriam Gillies, Denise Lotierzo-Block, Florence Fournaris, Arthur Gerhauser, Judy Eberhard, Tom Chieffo, Keith Paul
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